Cookie Policy

To make this site work prop­erly, we some­times place small data files called cook­ies on your de­vice. Most big web­sites do this too.


Table of Contents:
  1. Ownership information

  2. What are Cookies?

  3. How to delete or control Cookies

  4. How do we use Cookies?

  5. Google Analytics

  6. Facebook


ioGates ApS
Wilder­s­gade 32, 2.
DK-1408 Copen­hagen
Phone: +45 31 26 99 00
Email: sup­port@io­

2What are Cookies?

A cookie is a small text file that a web­site saves on your com­puter or mo­bile de­vice when you visit the site. It en­ables the web­site to re­mem­ber your ac­tions and pref­er­ences (such as lo­gin, lan­guage, font size, and other dis­play pref­er­ences) over a pe­riod of time, so you don’t have to keep re-en­ter­ing them when­ever you come back to the site or browse from one page to an­other.

3How to delete or control Cookies

You can con­trol and/​or delete cook­ies as you wish – for de­tails, see aboutcook­ You can delete all cook­ies that are al­ready on your com­puter and you can set most browsers to pre­vent them from be­ing placed. If you do this, how­ever, you may have to man­u­ally ad­just some pref­er­ences every time you visit a site and some ser­vices and func­tion­al­i­ties may not work.

4How we use Cookies

We use Cook­ies for two pur­poses: re­mem­ber­ing who you are and for sta­tis­tics. The cook­ies that re­mem­bers who you are is im­por­tant for the ioGates ap­pli­ca­tion to work, with­out cookies you would not be able to log in to your ioGates ac­count. The cookie con­tains no per­sonal in­for­ma­tion, only a unique marker that iden­ti­fies you on our servers. This Cookie is a ses­sion cookie, hence cre­ated when you log in and deleted when you log out of the ioGates ap­pli­ca­tion or if the ses­sion on our server has ended. The ioGates ap­pli­ca­tion use three cook­ies de­pend­ing on the ac­cess point: main ap­pli­ca­tion, share page or up­load page. These cook­ies are ac­cessed and con­trolled by ioGates only and will not be used for any­thing else than stated above.

For sta­tis­tics please see the sec­tion about Google An­a­lyt­ics and Face­book.

5Google Analytics

We use Cook­ies for two pur­poses: re­mem­ber­ing who you are and for sta­tis­tics. The cook­ies that re­mem­bers who you are is im­por­tant for the ioGates ap­pli­ca­tion to work, with­out cookies you would not be able to log in to your ioGates ac­count. The cookie con­tains no per­sonal in­for­ma­tion, only a unique marker that iden­ti­fies you on our servers. This Cookie is a ses­sion cookie, hence cre­ated when you log in and deleted when you log out of the ioGates ap­pli­ca­tion or if the ses­sion on our server has ended. The ioGates ap­pli­ca­tion use three cook­ies de­pend­ing on the ac­cess point: main ap­pli­ca­tion, share page or up­load page. These cook­ies are ac­cessed and con­trolled by ioGates only and will not be used for any­thing else than stated above.

For sta­tis­tics please see the sec­tion about Google An­a­lyt­ics and Face­book.


The web­site uses Face­book for mea­sur­ing user be­hav­ior and ad tar­get­ing. You can ad­just your Face­book ad set­tings if you want to opt-out of ad tar­get­ing based on web­site ac­tiv­ity, see more here: How can I adjust how ads are targeted to me based on my activity on or off of Facebook?